
Free-of-charge summer activities for young people by Helsinki’s Youth Services, an urban environment for creative work, art and nature themed workshops, cultivation and animal care.

You can come and check out the Edible Park freely during its opening hours. Activities are organised in the form of open weeks from Tuesday to Friday, with the exception of the Midsummer week, when we apply exceptional opening hours.

The park is intended for use by Helsinki-based youth organisations, youth groups and the municipality’s residents for various events.

Visiting address
Mustikkamaanpolku 10
00570 Helsinki
Postal address
P.O. Box 84404, 00099 Helsinki

Contact us

  • Aniela Ahtola, Nuoriso-ohjaaja, eläintoiminta
    (09) 310 23153, 040 6582 799
  • Johanna Ahtinen, Nuoriso-ohjaaja, ympäristökasvattaja
    040 6318 063
  • Ilona Anttila, Vastaava ohjaaja
    (09) 310 20736, 040 1944 533
  • Susanne Österlund-Toivonen, Toiminnanjohtaja
    (09) 310 89125, 050 5591 762

General enquiries and reservations during summer-time:


Summer opening times

Opening hours will be announced soon.

Upcoming events and hobbies

  • Työpajat
  • well-being
  • outdoor recreation
Tue 25.6.2024, at 09:30 - 15:00

Retki Syötävään Puistoon

Edible Garden, Mustikkamaanpolku 10, Helsinki